Failure to Thrive and microcephaly


Hey guys! My baby is 6 months old and he was born 6lbs 12oz. At his 6 month check up he was 13lbs 6oz. He’s gained weight at a very slow rate, less than the 1st percentile the same with his head. For height he’s in the 15th percentile. I’m a very small person, I’m only 5’ and my entire family is small too. He eats well, he’s not underfed. Milestone wise he’s hitting them quickly, he’s already rolling around the living room like crazy, babbling, sitting up on his own, and he’s working on crawling.

We have to to see a genetic counselor for failure to thrive and microcephaly. Does this sound like he has something wrong with him or is he just small? I try not to worry too much but I’m a mother so I can’t help it.

Obviously we’re going to see the genetic counselor and we follow what they tell us - I’m not looking to you guys to replace our doctors. I’m just curious what you mamas think!