I think he might


So just a back story, I've been with my bf for almost 7 years. We've had a lot of ups, lot of downs and just recently bought a house together last year. This last week at a new year <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> his parents were throwing, his dad asked me where my ring was....I simply replied, I dont have a ring? Then his mom whispered ever so loudly in spanish, she doesnt have it yet dumby. So NOW, I am a psycho every moment my bf comes home lol. Last night he asked if I wanted to get dinner so I got all cutesy for literally another regular night. Did you ladies know before it happened? What calmed you down until it happened? Or did you calm down. I just want him to ask me dammit, I just want to marry this guy already lol 😊