Braxton Hicks and UTI 26 weeks+2

Janna • Mama to a handsome little man and ttc #2❤️

So I just thought I’d share my story with all you ladies Incase anyone else has questioned there Braxton hicks. Yesterday I went into work like a normal day. I didn’t feel 100% so I was gonna try and leave early to come home and sleep. Now I work at 630am. I had notice that I would get strong braxon hicks that I would need to stop what I was doing to breath or lean over something. I had two of them the night before. Messaged my doctor but I wasn’t super concerned. I didn’t hear back that night. Well yesterday I had 4 stronger ones within 2 hours of being at work. I ended up calling my clinic and they told me to go get checked out at either labor and delivery at my hospital or the best option would be to go to United hospital Incase I was in labor because they have everything they need there for my little boy to stay healthy. Now I had to bring myself so I didn’t feel comfortable driving to United vs my hospital. They hooked me up so we could listen to my baby and keep track of contractions. I had so many while I was there. They ran a bunch of tests and did a pelvic exam. They told me my cervix was short and soft and the baby was low that she could actually push him if she wanted to while feeling my cervix. A little unsteady after hearing that but my baby was still super active and had a strong heartbeat. Thankfully my cervix was just hard enough for him to bounce off of and it stay closed and fine. Later I get told I have a UTI. I never thought I had one as being pregnant my back is just normally sore and I always have to pee. And then I found out that leaving UTIs untreated can cause preterm labor. After spending 6 hours in the hospital 😣 I was able to go home with some medicine for my UTI and have today off as well. I finally feel better aside from getting very small Braxton hicks with about anything I do. But I guess that’s why I’m supposed to take it easy!