What is my body doing?


Okay, so I think I'm ovulating right now, started on day 47, lots of cm, (raw egg white/watery) increased sex drive, and lots of cramping (not period cramps, more like an achy feeling). I typically have these symptoms when I ovulate. But I also have similar symptoms when pregnant. I already took a test, on cycle day 46, and it was negative. I thought "cool, my period will probably start tomorrow then".

I've been seeing a lot of posts of women taking multiple tests and having some or most of them be negative, with only one or two being positive. With my first pregnancy I took 5 tests one right after the other and 4 were positive, one was negative.

With my second we had been trying for six months so I started testing the day my period was due and tested every two days until I got a line so faint you had to hold it up to the light just right to see it. I didn't take any tests after that.

The chances of me being pregnant this time are small, as my cycles are irregular and its been 18 months of using no protection and still no baby. But until this cycle, my longest one has been 47 days, with most being 36ish days. I'm on day 50 today. I'm going to retest on day 61 (two weeks past the date of my longest cycle, as recommend), assuming my period still hasn't started.

But how many of you took multiple tests and had most of them be negative and still ended up being pregnant?