Was scared shitless last night


Ok so my husband would be so embarrassed by me posting this but we ended up taking a trip to the hospital last night due to bleeding.....due to intercourse 🤦🏼‍♀️ I always knew/read that some blood may happen due to sex but always pictured it as some spotting maybe a little streak of red after I wipe, but nothing like I had experienced last night. He was doing some drinking while talking to some friends and got drunk very quickly. He came upstairs feeling a little frisky. I was into it. Looking back it was probably the most vigorous sexual activity we had partaken in since the start of the pregnancy. I’ve been having issues getting to climax the past month or so...he made it his goal. I finally had to stop it because I just knew it wasn’t going to happen. It’s the worst when you are enjoying it but your body just won’t let it get there. He jumped up and went to the bathroom to clean up and I did the same and with that turned on the lights and just panicked. It was everywhere! My legs, stomach, arms, face,

my hands and what stood out the most was two tennis ball sized spots of bright red blood. I screamed for my husband, ran to the bathroom turned on the light in there and with that I showed him my hands and he looked down and noticed he was covered too. I immediately broke down. Even with him being pretty drunk he knew he had to jump up and take control. We quickly decided to go to the hospital but while he rinsed the blood off, and found me my phone to call my mother. She agreed we should go, and to call my ob emergency line. I jumped in the shower and my husband quickly looked it up online to try and reassure me that this is normal. Then it happens.... while I was letting him think for me I was just getting off the ob line after being told the doctor on call will get back to me he said I need to call your dad, I quickly asked why? And then he reminded me....there was no way he could drive! Shit! Husband called my father and he came right over. Poor dad, he was like this is the last thing he wanted to hear about me. Just so glad we only live two mins away. After all this stress the doctor gets back to me and tells us to go to a different hospital that would be more prepared if something was wrong.....way to stress me out buddy. I understand but hearing someone may think it maybe necessary is still hard to hear. We get there and here’s the kicker.....wait two hours before we are even seen. Even if this is routine in labor and delivery....I’m sorry I still need reassurance; check something on me please! Blood pressure, babies heartbeat just check something please! Of course once we’re in the room it all goes pretty quickly, the physician saw my stress and just quickly checked her heart while we waited for the doctor. Just hearing that made me feel instantly better. Everything was fine, she was fine, I was fine, just some sensitive capillaries I was told, and this is completely normal. Keep in mind this was after the women doing the pelvic was in training bc it is a training hospital and I have never had such a painful pelvic exam in my life! As she was removing it, she had to be instructed not to clamp on my cervix and pull it. WHAT!? It hurt going in, it hurt opening, it hurt the whole time and then you hear that! Like I’m bleeding, clearly it’s a little sensitive in that area. Can you please be gentle? Anyway, we followed up and my OB got me in to been seen right away. Everything is still fine and she’s growing normally and we are a little over a pound ❤️