Feminism, your thoughts?


I know i'm going to get so many angry comments, from both halves of this (for some reason??) sensitive topic, but here goes

There are many people who are uneducated on the topic of feminism. Some who choose to keep themselves uneducated because they're closed minded and selfish, and others who hear the bad stories and choose to close it out before they learn for themselves the truth, and those who simply just dont know about it or dont want to get involved because its so controversial.

You need to learn. Whether you still hate feminists after i say my point is up to you, but i'd like you to listen, even if its just to understand why us feminists are as "crazy" as everyone believes.

The definition of Feminism is "the advocacy of womens rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes" -- This simply means that feminists want women to have the same rights as men.

Now when i say equal rights i'm not talking about petty things like a female crossing light, or things like that.

I'm talking about equal pay for women who do the same job as men. Not just for causasian women; for african women, asian women, eastern european women, south american women, mixed women, afro-american women, young women, you get the picture.

Every single different race of women should have equal oppourtunities to every single different race of men.

Its not about being above men, real feminists do not want to be better than men.

We just want the same oppourtunities.

We dont want to be the person who people ask for a coffee in the board meeting, because why else would a woman be there?

We dont want to be catcalled when walking down the street, its not flattering.

We dont want to have to worry about walking home at night, or have our parents worry about whether we will come home after a night out.

We just want to live our lives in some peace of mind that we will manage to live them, without being assaulted or belittled or patronised.

Feminists ALSO want men to be equal to women. We want men to not have to hide how they're feeling, we want men to be able to do anything a woman would be able to, we want them to be able to express their emotions without having to worry about being seen as "wet" or "feeble".

We want men to be able to be open about what they like, for them to not have to hide the fact that they love more feminine things in fear of them not being seen as attractive or "one of the boys"; and also for women to not have to hide that they love more masculine things in fear of being seen as unattractive and "manly for a woman".

If you believe that women and men should be equal, then you are a feminist whether you actively identify as one or not, because all feminist want is equality, through all race and gender.

But what about the feminists who hate men and think women are superior to men?

its simple

they are not feminists

they are misandrists.

A misandrist is someone who believes women are superior to men. That is not feminism. Feminism is believing we are equal. Believing we deserve the same oppourtunities, the same pay, the same job positions.

Feminism is equality.