Faking Mental Illness


My 12 year old sister runs around faking depression and anxiety. She’s told multiple people she fakes cause she likes the attention. She went to a doctor today and got diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety after taking a written test. Her therapist and primary doctor said she doesn’t need meds. But she pressed it until she found a doctor that would give her meds like she wanted. The doctor said that she thought my sister answered everything to perfectly and textbook and doubt she really struggles at all but gave her meds any how. The doctor gave her a pamphlet of things she and the people of the household need to do so she can get better and she said that she doesn’t want any of the things followed because it’ll cause her way to much stress. And she is told she has to severely cut down on caffeine because it will affect the meds and she isn’t willing to do that. I could go on and on about how she is using mental illness as a game to get what she wants. I myself have been diagnosed with severe depression & anxiety by multiple professionals and actually was told meds was my best option for a normal life. I also have PTSD from past sexual abuse. And it just upsets me because I had to advocate so strongly for myself for years to be taken seriously because everyone thought I was faking for attention. People like her I feel invalidate us who truly struggle and don’t care.