I need step mom help!!!


This might be lengthy. I’ve been with my husband since August 2017, we got married about 6 months ago. He has 2 children that are 12 (boy) and 10 (girl). Neither of us get along with their mom at all. I won’t go into it, but we went though HELL last year with her. He only has them every other weekend and she does what she can to keep them from us. We’re at a very good relationship point with the kids right now. They’ve accepted me completely as a mom figure and their dad has grown closer to them. I think their mom feels threatened by this, but she just talks down on my husband constantly to everyone. I used to go at her about it and we fought constantly, but I’ve stayed out of things besides when to pick the kids up and school events for about 5 months now. Things have seemed pretty okay, the kids have been wanting to stay with us longer lately as well and they have been here and there. She got mad at us yesterday because we took them home a day early (theres a HUGE snow storm here and we live 40 mins away from her). She said she’s “keeping them the next few weeks”. I think she’s all talk but it makes me nervous regardless. My husband is pretty passive, he’s fought with her for 12 years nonstop and picks his battles now. She just gets under my skin. I want us to be able to co-parent for the kids sake, but she makes it nearly impossible. She’s a good mom but makes super questionable life choices that won’t be good for the kids to be around when they’re teens. I just get so anxious dealing with her. My heart races every time she texts because it’s usually negative. She loves starting fights. I had 2 miscarriages last year, both during times she was fighting viciously with us and it stressed me out beyond belief. I just don’t know how to handle her the next 6-8 years before the kids are grown. I know it stresses them too which kills me. I’m also only 23, so I’m 100% new to all of this.