Fingers crossed 🤞🏼🤞🏼

Rebecca • 27🌻, 3 angel babies👼🏼 TTC #1 RAINBOW BABY🌈

How’s my chances looking for this month ladies??

Doctor has already told me that my body does struggle to ovulate on it’s own and whenever I do I get terribly intense cramps, I was ment to be referred to a fertility Nurse 4 months ago, with no luck so far

( they can’t seem to give me an answer as to why it’s taking so long🙄).. but this month it happen.. those terrible cramps, the shooting pains, even nausea although going by my symptoms I get when I do ovulate I think I ovulated a day or 2 before glow has stated in my calendar.. am really hoping that this could be the most wonderful start to the new year.. or just serious wishful thinking,

Baby dust to you all✨✨