Im hurting, so bad.

Me & my ex had an amazing relationship until we decided to live together, we got a house for the sake of his daughter. I gave up everything, and now im left with nothing.

It started out great, we were bestfriends seeing eachother for ages doing the nastaaaay ect, then we got into a relationship which was magical! It was all going well until we moved in together. His friend got involved and he couldnt stand me, and it turned out his friend had feelings for him & ruined my relationship with my boyfriend in the end. We were still friends, still sleeping together & i found out i was pregnant! He lost his shit. I have pcos & was extremeley lucky to concieve!! He wanted a DNA test, wtf? Iv never cheated in my LIFE! Then, everything kicks off war between all his family members and me, on my own, pregnant. He gave me a black eye. He wouldnt move when i screamed in his face because i thought he was going to push me down the stairs. He smashed uo my personal items. He smashed up our home. I phoned the police. He took his daughter (who i love above anyone in this world) and left to go live at his moms. He said i could never see her again, he said he'd kill me if he could & got away with it - he admitted that infront of his own mom. I went to work, i collapsed, i go to the hospital, im miscarrying. I get home, he doesnt care one bit. He left me with nothing in this house, i lost my job due to my health situation, he left me with no money, no food, no care or compassion. He upped & left. I gets a message of his new girlfriend saying they celebrated my miscarrage.

Iv attempted suicide, i cut myself to take the pain away to be with my baby. But i'm thankful im alive. Even without everything, im still breathing.

Im sorry if this is a trigger of any sorts and i didnt mean to upset anyone. I just needed to get that off my chest.