Stress relieving tips

Caitlin • ❤️❤️❤️

I’m looking for any tips if there even is any. My mother in law died tonight, she had a ruptured brain aneurism a few weeks ago and has been in icu, actually she’s been doing a lot better then suddenly had a heart attack tonight and died because her body was too weak.

We were up at the hospital, lots of sobbing and crying. I tried to sit as much as I could. I currently have a terrible head ache and feel like vomiting but I’m guessing I’d feel this way without being pregnant.

I’m just worried about the stress on our baby. I’m 29 weeks and 5 days. I don’t feel any cramps and no bleeding, just feel her moving a ton. What can I do over the next few days to make sure she isn’t getting too much stress? If anything I dunno I just thought this is a safe place where people might have ideas and I don’t want to stress my husband out by talking to him about it too much