Dating My Ex’s Best Friend


I’m in high school at the moment and we’re on winter break right now.

I got into a relationship around two months ago and it hasn’t been working out. Guy A asked me out and it totally came out of left field but I agreed to date him. To make a long story short he’s very unloyal and I don’t have any love for him anymore. So i’m planning on breaking up with him when we get back from break (Jan 7).

I’ve been talking with Guy A’s close friend Guy B for a while now. We’ve gotten really close and I’ll admit I had a crush on him before I even knew Guy A existed. I was really depressed once and I was talking to Guy B about how i felt and he said something like “you’re such a good person like i even had a crush on you...” and that really

hit me.

He’s made it clear that he has feelings for me, and I also have feelings for him. I want to be with Guy B but we both see clearly that Guy A is a problem. He would feel really bad about dating his friend’s ex and i would feel bad about dating my ex’s friend.

I don’t want to come between their friendship. What should I do?