Symptoms have faded at 9 weeks

I’m a little over 9 weeks and have had three previous miscarriages and have never gotten past 8 weeks. My last ultrasound was at 7 weeks and we heard the heartbeat but I can’t help but feel paranoid now. Up until just a few days ago I was ravenous with eating. Now at 9 w 2 d my appetite has decreased, boobs don’t hurt as much and I don’t feel pregnant. I’ve also not had any morning sickness or nausea at all. I’ve heard appetite decreases but in the second trimester. I’m still in the first. Has anyone experienced anything like this?? I haven’t seen the baby since 7 weeks and my next ultrasound is next week. With all my losses I’ve had no symptoms, we found out at the ultrasounds which makes it more scary. Praying for a healthy heartbeat next week!