What is dating? I clearly don’t know....


I’ve been taking to this guy for a few weeks now, and we went on our first date last week...all his most important friends were there I had NO idea that they were going to be, we had dinner, drinks, it was great. By the end I didn’t care that his friends were there. He walked me to my car. We maaaayyy have started to hook up when I stopped what was going on because I realized that I actually enjoyed myself that night and didn’t want to just hook up with him. We’ve been talking since then and sometimes he’ll be super short with me, and other times he’s all sweet and shit. At first I thought he was being short with me since I didn’t have sex with him so I talked to him about it and he said he wasn’t all, that he doesn’t do random hookups and only wanted to that night because he realizes he wanted me more than physically. Although this is sweet, I’m confused because since he told me this he started being short with me.

Girls.....what the hell does this mean....I’m so confused as to what is going on....any advice? Thoughts? Help