HOW?! IUI & school life?


I am in my last semester of school (done in April) - HOWEVER - I’m busy every single morning pretty much. I have clinical every MWF and just learned I have class TTh mornings 😩

I have no idea how its gonna work out for us to get our <a href="">IUI</a> done (next step if not <a href="">IVF</a>) - my clinic is an hour away & with my schedule how it’s been sometimes I go to the one 90 mins away.

Did anyone (maybe teachers) have to or are going through this? I can’t miss clinical at all - and class I can only miss so many.

All advice is welcome 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

I’m stressing out that we won’t be able to do anything until May at this point and it’s already been 2 years 😭 we are ready for our little one!