*TMI* pictures of our lost baby. Our rainbow baby became another lost baby. 01/03/19

Shelley • 👨🏻🤰🏻🌈👧🏻👼🏻👼🏻🐶🐶🐶🐱 Currently pregnant with my rainbow baby boy, after a loss at 10 weeks 2 days and a second loss at 17 weeks.

Our sweet baby girl was due to be born on June 13, 2019. I had been bleeding for a week already, which wasn’t abnormal because I had been bleeding most of my pregnancy and was on bedrest. I began having contractions on 12/27/2018 and they were very painful and frequent. I had an appointment on 12/28/18, so I decided to try to rest and mention the pain and contractions at my appointment the following day. At my appointment I had to see a nurse practitioner because my doctor was out due to a death in her family. The NP didn’t seem to be concerned in the least, and kind of made me feel like she wasn’t taking me seriously. I ended up having to go to the ER on 12/30 and 12/31 because of very heavy bleeding and intense contractions. The ER doctor said that everything was fine and sent me home but wanted me to follow up with my doctor the following day, 1/1/19. Since the following day was a holiday, I knew that I would have to wait until the office opened back up on Wednesday, 1/2/19. I called on Wednesday to try to get an appointment and was told that my doctor was off that day. I explained to the nurse what was going on and that the contractions that I was having were not BH contractions. She got kind of snarky with me and said “well, you were just in the ER a few days ago and everything was fine, so just rest as much as possible, stay hydrated, and take Tylenol for pain,” and she still didn’t schedule me an appointment with my doctor. At this point, I was feeling defeated. The ER wouldn’t do anything for me to stop contractions because I wasn’t 20 weeks yet (I should mention that at the time of my first trip to the ER, I was 16 weeks 4 days.) and they wouldn’t send me to labor and delivery to be treated either because you have to be 20 weeks, so I spent the day resting, contracting, bleeding, and feeling sick. I had been up all night Tuesday night until about 9 am Wednesday morning and finally I tried to sleep. I slept off and on for most of the day, I just wasn’t feeling well and had started having chills and running a low-grade fever. I took Tylenol for the fever and went back to my bed. I woke up around 12:40 am Thursday morning to a feeling of blood gushing, which wasn’t anything new, I had been bleeding for 15 days at this point. I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up and changed clothes and decided to sit in my recliner to try to get more comfortable. I was having uncomfortable contractions and just kept shifting position to try to get comfortable. At 2:47am I had an excruciating contraction, and they continued every 2 minutes until 3 am. At 3 am, I had another unbearable contraction and was feeling tons of pressure in my butt. My two year old daughter was in the living room with my husband and me, and I knew that if something was about to happen, that I didn’t want her to see it and be scared, I had already been moaning through contractions and I’m sure she was already freaked out, so I didn’t want to traumatize her any further. I was able to make it to the bathroom after my contraction ended at 3 am, I locked the door and sat on the toilet and could feel my amniotic sac bulging. I began to panic because only being 17 weeks, this couldn’t have been real labor, especially with so many doctors and nurses telling me that it wasn’t something to worry about. With one more contraction, our sweet daughter, Liberty Jo was born at 3:05am on 1/3/19. She was alive for about 15 minutes and was moving her arms and legs, and opening and closing her mouth. My husband and I held her every moment that she was alive, as we waited for the ambulance to arrive. I feel like I failed my daughter, I tried so many times to get someone to do something to help save her and no one bothered to take me seriously. I’m currently in the hospital, I had to have an emergency d&c and 4 units of blood and 1 unit of plasma transfused. I am still in disbelief. I tried to advocate for my daughter and was shut down at every turn. My sweet Libby was supposed to be my rainbow baby and we lost her too. Please pray for my family, we are broken and distraught.