I’m really in ssssooo much disbelief


I was the statistic ....16 and pregnant 😞 my baby wasn’t bought to full term sadly. I was told I might never be able to have a child...Here I am 31 getting ready to be 32 in March. I was proposed to on my 30th birthday.. ready to plan my future. However.... jus a few years ago on a Friday the 13th my whole life that I knew was completely shook up when my fiancé at the time cheated on me 6 months after putting the ring on my finger. We were together 5 years, leaving together, had the house .’x traveled the world together and the perfect relationship that all OUR “friends” wanted to be like. I was broken to the point where I didn’t even want to live anymore. So much happened after that I’m really not gonna get into. I have been single ever since and started to learn how to love myself again. Now in this present moment I been talking to this really nice, sweet, strong men/guy (who I never thought I would be with because I wasn’t looking for anything or anyone.. I turnt so many ppl dwn) it’s been the 2nd month of “baby dancing” I really wasn’t expecting a positive test to come up. AF is due on the 5th of January. CD 32 days, 13 days pass OPD.. imma test again

If my ex fiancé can see this now I wanna say thank you, next (in my Ariana Grande voice) for messing up what I thought was my forever relationship and breaking “US” Now I can truly plan the future I was meant to have with someone who deserve me 😘😊 and with a little baby who we will both love. Preying for a sticky bean. Thank you father lord GOD, Im that diamond 💎 that’s ready to shine

Ps: my mom says she one sees 1 line lol she’s slightly colored blind and blind but swears that the dollar store glasses is all she needs 😂🤣