Slowly going nuts

According to my charts I am two days away from my period. But I feel like it’s due today because I think I ovulated two days early. Anyways, on CD23 and 10 DPO I was messing around with my husband and I had some spotting up by my cervix. Very little. I thought maybe we just little to hard but it didn’t feel to hard and he wasn’t hurting me. The next hour I would go in bathroom and check but I would have to push the toilet paper almost up there to see spotting. Nothing was coming out on its own. I haven’t had anything since. ( Sorry if TMI ) I been dizzy and having heavy/sore boobs. I am not sure what to think. I have 3 kids already 13,7 and 5 years. Only bleeding I ever had was with my first and it was a normal period the first month so I didn’t even know I was pregnant till 6 weeks when I went hospital for car accident. I have never spotted before. Not sure what my body is doing 😕