My dog reeks 🤮HELP

I swear ever since I got pregnant my dog has had a very bad odor to her! We’ve taken her to the vet multiple times not for that same reason but we would always bring it up. Anyway I’m at the point where I just want to get rid of her! she smells so bad I vomit almost every time she gets near me😖 we’ve bought her organic dog shampoo with oatmeal and a deodorizer. nothing seems to help... I try to keep her off the carpet, going upstairs she’s not allowed on my couches we’ve even wrapped her new dog bed in thick plastic, Because everywhere she goes the smell just sticks there 🤢 even the fucking plastic is smelling! I’m not a horrible person so keep those hateful comments to yourself because I couldn’t give two shits 😎I’m here asking for help. has anyone had this problem with their dog smelling so bad😭? She smells like feet like? Like Fritos idfk she just reeks. the vet told us it’s normal on pit bulls our dog is gray and white we were advised to give her a bath every three days or so and rub coconut oil on her the coconut oil seems to really help. I’m also not really getting rid of her I’m just speaking out of being disgusted