Feeling hopeless


I'm feeling hopeless just got another BFN today. We have 2 kids already 7yr old and 5 yr old conceived easily. We started trying for number 3 in September of last year then I had a chemical pregnancy in November then was told to wait a month so we tried again in January it worked but at my 10 week ultrasound in the beginning of April we found out that the pregnancy had stopped progressing at 6 weeks but my body didn't know we also found out that the pregnancy had implanted in my c section scar so after treatment and weeks I ended up with a D&C at the end of May. Was told to wait 5 months to try again 🙄 after 3 months I convinced my Dr to give me and ultrasound and the ok he agreed and we got the ok to start trying again September of this year. Here I come up on January again and I'm sad and scared and feeling like my kids are both older and I'm older (32 as of this month) and time is just ticking away on me. Then I feel like at least I have my older 2 and I should be great full but it's hard and my heart hurts.