Advice: stay home or work full time...

****UPDATE**** This has been very helpful! I have always said I would stay home with my second because I couldn’t financially with my 1st. I think I feel guilty about pulling my daughter from her school but she will make new friends at playgroups and will probably be happier at home with me. I have a while yet to decide but I think I’m going to crunch the numbers one more time to see if staying home makes more sense! Thank you everyone for your input!****So last June my husband and I moved to a new area 5 hours from my closest family for his job. I was lucky enough to land a part-time teaching job at a school I love and would like to stay with. If we moved to a cheaper place I could afford childcare for both my kids(2nd one due in May) next year but also keep my job as part time. He is not willing to move. My options are to keep my 4 year old daughter home( she loves school) and be a stay at home mom full time which I would love!! I am worried I won’t be able to get another job when I am ready to go back. My other option is to quit my part time job 😕 and look for full time work. This means less time with my 2nd and I really want that time. I am at a loss... I have no idea what to choose. Stay home and keep my older daughter home... I think she will be bored and we don’t have too many friends or a community yet. Or work full time if that opportunity even presents itself and miss out on all the amazing parts of being a SAHM for my 2nd. Any thoughts???