Just found out I’m pregnant..:


Hey everyone today I found out I was pregnant . I’m still in shock haha. Long story short I just got married a couple months ago and we are TTC. I took a test on Saturday and it read negative but the control window never worked on the test. I been using this app and I saw I’m three days late for my period. Just for laughs I went to the store and bought a test. To my surprise it’s positive. Went back out to the store and bought four more tests and they all say positive. I’m just concerned because I never felt different. I see people posting their symptoms and I don’t have any. The only thing I noticed was my urine smelt concentrated. (TMI I’m sorry) and that’s it. I kinda feel like I feel some cramps which makes me nervous because I hope this is a strong. Pregnancy. Please any advice or comments would help. I haven’t told anyone.