Regretting getting married


I married at 20 to a man that is now 26, and I’m currently 21. We’ve been married for almost 10 months, but the last 10 months have been the worst of our relationship. We started off great, I love him and his family. In the first year though, I caught him on Tinder and stuff like that but never cheated on my physically. I’m a forgiving person, people make mistakes. So I forgot about it. Feb. 2017, I was offered a once in a lifetime opportunity to move to a new state, Oklahoma (only three hours away from where both our families lived in Texas) to further my career with the company I worked for at the time. I talked to him about it, said he can stay if he wants, or he can come with. He agreed to give it a go. The night we moved, he proposed to me and I said yes. We were two years into our relationship. We decided to get married April 2018. It started off great as well. The transition was easy. (We’ve lived together our entire relationship I might add). I go a promotion shortly after we moved which required me to travel for 10 days at a time once a month. My very first travel date I went to North Carolina for 10 days to start a project which was Nov. 2017. When I got home, everything changed. He was distant, we stopped having sex as often. I began to worry that something was wrong. We talked, promised there was no one else and so on so forth. Well, come Jan. 2018 I found out from one of my friends that worked at his job that he had an affair with a girl that worked there. I told him I knew what he did, and gave him a chance to explain himself. I left him for a few days to clear my mind. I ended up forgiving him since we were only a few months away from our wedding. People make mistakes. Since that happened, I couldn’t trust him enough to continue my career and traveling in Oklahoma, so I found a new job back in Texas. (Stupid I know.) we got married, and everything just got worse. I don’t think he’s cheating on me, but it’s like it was when he did. We rarely have sex, maybe once a month. We don’t talk. don’t even want to be around him anymore. Don’t get me wrong, ive talked to him about this stuff thousands of times. Nothing changes, he doesn’t even try to put effort in. I’ve recently told him how I was really feeling, that I was considering separating from him since we can’t seem to make things work. But, I don’t want to give up with out exhausting all options. What I’m looking for is opinions, ideas, help. Please.