Shitty guy? Or genuinely clueless?

My boyfriend (26) and I (20) have been together for a year and a half. I had always noticed that he is very vain and definitely likes nice things. I brushed it off as that he was a bit of a fancy boy. I didn’t give it much thought. We started dating 4 months before my birthday, he picked me up ON my birthday, and then promptly took me back to his place where he immediately passed out without so much as a happy birthday. No gift. No card. Whatever, no problem. I told myself that I’m not a materialistic person anyway, and Iv never been huge on birthdays so it didn’t matter.

Fast forward a year. We are a serious couple, I cook and clean his house, help out his mom, and handle his business billing. This is our first Christmas together. Naturally he came to dinner at my families house on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>. I gave him his gifts ( tbh I’m broke as hell but still tried to make them thoughtful and sweet). He didn’t seem interested at all. He then asked me to wrap the presents he had bought for his mom (which was almost sweet), and proceeded to show me everything he had bought for himself for Christmas (over $5000 in designer clothing and tech stuff). I kept my mouth shut and humored him as he tried everything on. Half hoping that he would surprise me with something. A few days after Christmas we got into a small argument, where in I addressed the issue.

Today he gave me an unwrapped set of disposable plastic Tupperware containers, which he had ordered for his work lunches a few days earlier, and happily said “Merry Christmas babe!”

I’m not worried about gifts. I have everything I need and more. And I consider myself to have a pretty thick skin, but I’m a little hurt.

Am I ungrateful? 😂 are my expectations too high?