Single mom dating

I met this guy and we were texting all the time in the begging and I am starting school to get my cna renewed. And work 5 days a week and I am a single parent no child support or anything. And I said we can go on a date after my school is done ktsonly 3 weeks. And ever since then we have stopped talking and he hardly talks or anything. I am not gonna text him first and annoy him but I am now thinking he isn’t interested and that maybe the date in February won’t happen. How do I go about letting him know that it probably won’t happen and It would be nice if we talked more and got to know each other but he just doesn’t seem interested anymore. He’s the first guy I have actually been interested since I left by ex about 5 months ago. How do I tell him if he doesn’t wanna talk and stuff then let’s not worry about the date.