When do you announce your rainbow?


I have 2 children, a 5yo boy and a 2yo boy. I had a MC on June 22 2018. We had just announced our pregnancy on Facebook. 2 days later I began spotting, and by the 4th day it was confirmed that my babies haertbeat had stopped.

Fast forward to now, pregnant again. I have been anxiously awaiting that sacred 12 week mark to ease some worries (finally at 12 weeks now! Yay!). I have my next ultrasound at 13w2d and wanted to wait to announce my pregnnacy until at least then.... But suddenly I'm feeling torn. I've recently been hearing about losses from women at 16, 17, even 20 weeks and now I'm afraid to announce at all.... When do you ladies feel it's right for you to finally announce your rainbow baby?