Kids and chores


Hang with me, this may be lengthy!

My daughter is 10 and my stepdaughters are 14 and 8. The 14 yr old lives with us full time as well as my daughter. 8 yr old every other weekend and extended times in summer.

The first 5 years of my daughter’s life, I worked full time and went to school part time. I single parented until my husband and I got married after I graduated college. She always had a structure and routine. Responsibilities etc. (clean up her room, help feed the cat etc). When we got married and all moved in together, I tried my best to get everyone on a schedule. I worked two jobs at the time, 60ish hours a week. My husband works rotating shifts about 45 hrs a week. I continuously had issues with the kids doing their chores, not wanting to brush their teeth, do homework etc. I was always reminding MY kiddo to do what she was supposed to but then his kids were coming over and doing whatever they felt like. She started slacking because they were getting away with it and I felt like I was CONSTANTLY on her case.

Fast forward to now, his 14 year old came to stay with us August of last year (we already had her 50/50). I work all week, cook dinner every day, do all the laundry etc. I assigned the kids some chores based on age group. 14 yr old has dinner dishes and cleaning up kitchen. 10 year old cleans the living room up and vacuums. 8 year old helps feed pets etc when she’s here and helps tidy up with 10 year old. I can’t get these kids to do chores AT ALL, and my husband tries telling me that it isn’t THEIR responsibility. They’re “just kids”. I grew up in a home that was “if you live here you contribute to our home and family”. I had chores. I even tried doing allowances to let them earn some cash. Now I’m lost. I work all day with an hour commute, do all the dance practice, softball practice, etc, and still have to deal with all the house chores. Advice?! I feel like a maid and I’m to the point that I just leave all their messes and pick up after myself and then it makes me crazy so I end up cleaning it. What would you do?!

Edit to add: 14 year old is constantly asking for money for movies, out to eat with friends, softball, etc but does nothing to earn it. Would you cut her off for being a spoiled brat?