

Anyone going through this? I’m such a happy person but lately all I do is cry. I have a very colicky baby and it stresses me out. Well she’s in her peak weeks.. she’s 9 weeks old and its Killing me. She will be super happy smiling and talkative then next she’s in a tantrum for hours. YES she’s on special formula, YES she has reflux , no there’s nothing wrong with her she’s just super colicky. Even when me and my husband go out I’m super irritated with everything and everybody because I’m just waiting for her to lose her shit so I try and rush everything I do! I even broke down to my husband last night making him cry because he didn’t understand what I was going through in my head. I don’t want to hear try this and this and this I’m not made of money I can’t afford all these fancy things for colic I’m just trying to get to this 3 month mark! I just want to be happy and myself again. I need some advice with what I can do to cope with this... anyone else going through the same thing?