Can a family member notarize a will?

S • mama to a babygirl 💗 expecting baby #2 in May 💞

Not sure where else to post this. I’m having a baby in May and am going to write a will before my daughter arrives, in case anything should happen to me during labor. The subject of the will is obviously going to be what will happen to my daughter. My SO and I aren’t married so I want to make sure that it is on paper that our daughter will be in his care if anything happens to me. I realize the will needs to be notarized for it to be legal. My SO’s mother is a notary, but I wasn’t sure if she would be allowed to notarize the will. Would that be a conflict of interest since she is my daughter’s grandmother? The will is solely to determine what will happen to my daughter if something happens to me, and I wasn’t sure if my SO’s mom could notarize a document that determines what happens to her own grandchild? Is this a conflict of interest or not?