

So my brother in law is not in a good place in his life even tho it’s better than it was. He spent 1 year in a mental hospital because he was having thoughts of killing the family and they put him on medication and he’s been doing better since. Hes only 19 so he’s still living with my mother in law and pretty much can’t work or do much. My father in law left the family around the same time I met my husband and they haven’t seen him since so my husband kind of became the father figure in the house until we got married. My brother in law still gets random outbursts every once in a while but nothing serious. So, I heard my husband talking to his brother this morning on the phone and then talking to his mom then all of a sudden my husband got up and got dressed and left saying “I’m going to my moms” so I automatically knew something was up with his brother cause every time something happens his mother calls him cause he’s the only one my brother in law listens to. So I asked what was happening and he said “nothing” and took off. So I go bring my son to his hockey game and then I get back home and call my husband and no answer so I text him and no answer. About 10 mins later I see him online on Instagram so I send him a message there and he answers me so now I’m getting frustrated bc I’m wondering why the fuck he hasn’t called me back or texted me back but is on social media so I call him back and he answers and says he’s at his moms but won’t tell me why. So we get into a little argument and I tell him y he’s ignoring my calls and messages and he says he basically did not have any answer to that and the says he doesn’t need this etc ... I’m just frustrated at how he’s treating me like I’m a nothing , refuses to tel me what’s going on even tho I’m his wife and not hear from him all day and he’s ignoring my calls and messages.. like !!?? Am I overreacting ?! If you don’t feel like talking fine but at least answer my message instead of getting on social media. Sorry this is so long. Thank you for reading.