Terrified of conceiving after 2 losses

Caitlin • Kyson Chase born 👼🏼💙 Brynlee Wren 💗🌈

Hi guys

I’m a couple days away from ovulation and I’ve just suddenly got a lot of anxiety.

First month ttc after my 9 week miscarriage. I feel like I have never been more healthy and most days I am completely ready. Don’t get me wrong I so badly want to conceive this year and have a healthy live baby to take home but I don’t know if my heart is ready. I don’t know if I could handle another loss.

Any tips to reduce anxiety and stress would be highly appreciated.

Sending great baby making vibes to you all this year 💗👼🏼🌈

Ps. My son would have been 6months old on Wednesday. That’s going to be hard.