True love


In September I met this amazing guy in school, I was the new kid. We started to talk and hang out..slowly my feelings started beginning to grow...finally I asked him out and he said yes. After that we were glued to each others sides and were a great powerful team together...he was the first guy that treated me with respect, love and kindness....he was my first love...the first guy I fell for...the first guy I took it slow with...about a week ago he ended things bc of his mother...he asked me to hang out with him and I said ok...when we were hanging out he..was kissing my forehead and holding me and asking people to take our picture....he was saying I love you and I always will....but he won’t date me and I don’t know what to do...I might be moving bc school didn’t work out here....and I’m drawn between staying here with him and not being with him or going hours away to where my ex lives in a small town where everyone knows everything...I don’t know what to do....any suggestions? Does anybody have an idea why he acts like we are together when we hang out but won’t let us dat...?