Overwhelmed and irritated *rant*

Sorry in advance for my rant I’m about to spew to the world 🙃

I’m SO overwhelmed. My husband is deployed and I have a non sleeping 9 month old. Like waking up constantly at night, fighting naps every single day. Also a 6 year old. My husband sent me a text talking about all his free time and going to the gym when he wants. Going for morning runs. How healthy he’s eating. I’m so happy he’s getting to do these things for himself, really. But part of me is irritated and I guess jealous. I can’t even take a freakin shower without battling baby to take a nap! So selfishly yes, I’m a bit jealous of him.

On top of that, my mother that I don’t have much of a relationship with anymore is getting remarried and planning this over the top, ridiculous wedding even though she isn’t even divorced from her second husband. The only time she contacts me is about ordering my bridesmaid dress which is expensive and has to be ordered from China. She couldn’t have done something simple like all the same color dress or something from a local bridal shop. She’s putting together this huge, tacky wedding that honestly I don’t even want to go to yet alone be in. All her drug addicted friends will be in attendance I’m sure. She’s yet to even meet our new baby but expects me to drive to her wedding which is hours away, alone with my two children.

My dad, her second husband, is a man child and can’t take care of himself financially so he expects me to take him in and let him live here even though I have no room for him. I no longer talk to him because he would call me 10 times a day, text 50 times a day all through the night expecting me to help take care of him.

I want to cut BOTH parents out but also feel extremely guilty doing in to them and my children even though they never see them. They’re just so toxic. They were toxic drug addicts my entire childhood.

Sorry 😞 I’m just so stressed out by their situation.