Kencade is Here

Faith • Mom of 9 y/o Adam & newborn Kencade 💙👦💙👶💙

He was born this morning (2 days early) at 2:36. He is 8 lbs 11 oz 21 inches.

I was sent to the hospital after my final prenatal app on January 3rd because my BP was 150/90. They didn't want me to walk because of my blood pressure so the gave me a pill to tuck into my cheek and dissolve to soften and dilate me (I was already 2 cm). When that didn't work they put one near my cervix 4 hrs later. When that didn't work, they placed another near my cervix which finally dilated me to 4. So they then started the pitocin. I asked for the epidural around 9 pm. I couldn't get past 4 cm until sometime Friday morning and I only made it to 5. By midnight last night I was still at 5 and decided to have them break my water. My epidural stopped working around 6pm that day (no matter how many doses they gave me) so when the pressure kicked in, I felt it along with the contractions. I basically pushed out an almost 9 lb baby naturally. I'm proud of myself since his brother was only 7 lbs 6 oz.

To any moms that are still pregnant, hang in there. Your time is coming.