Castor oil

Randi • Mommy of 3, number four on the way!

Do you know how badly I just want to go to the store and buy some and take a tablespoon of this crap?!?! Being overdue is really weighing on me... literally.. my feet and ankles are huge. I have protruding hemorrhoids, my vagina is swollen and feels like I got kicked there. The pressure is unreal. Contractions everyday all day but nothing to put me into actual labor. Lost my mucous plug and had bloody show last week. I’ve had 3 membrane sweeps, walked miles and miles, bounced for hours and hours, had sex multiple times, pumped for nipple stimulation, squats, dancing, relaxing baths, cleaning on my hands and knees, lots of naps, evening primrose oil... I’m over it all. I’m 4cm and 80% effaced and labor is like no where in sight. I will be induced on the 11th if she isn’t here by then but I’ll be 41+1 that day.. I could cry 😩😩😭😭