Hi everyone, I’m posting this anonymously, but I know a lot of you can relate to what I have to say.

I’m 29 years old, I have been trying to conceive for two years now, going on third.😰

If I tell you how many HPT I’ve bought since I started this stressful journey I’m pretty sure I could’ve paid off my car already. 🤫

Some days I just promise myself this is it, I’m done! I’m not testing anymore, I’m not trying anymore. I’m officially giving up. And then another month starts and here I am on another fertile window, planning, and taking pills and vitamins, and scheduling the perfect day time and position to have sex with my husband, anxiously waiting for two long weeks to test and yet another BIG FUCKING FAT NEGATIVE!!! 😭

I don’t think I can’t take that anymore I’m emotionally devastated. Feeling lonely and empty and guilty. The worst part of it all is that I finally found a doctor that would take it seriously and have me and my husband tested for infertility. We both did every single test out there, sperm analysis... HSG, all sorts of ultrasounds that you could think of, in and out, abdominal cat scans, full genetic screening. I’m about to go broke! No joke! It all came back perfectly fine! Thank God We’re both super healthy.

Since I’ve started TTC three of my friends have got pregnant, one of them was actually trying to get pregnant for 4 months when she got her positive. She only did the deed once on the fertile window for that month. The other one has only one ovary, doesn’t ovulate every month and wasn’t trying or even wanted kid, she’s just started dating this guy for not longer than 3 months and fell pregnant. Those two hit me real hard. Another one got pregnant but unfortunately had a miscarriage at 9 weeks, two months later she was pregnant again. Thank god this time around it was a sticky bean and she’s now 29 weeks. 🥰

I’ve lost my mind over this, it’s frustrating.

The doctor gave us the option to do an

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

but if I am healthy and perfectly capable of getting pregnant why should I put my body into this? But also why is it taking so long? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤷🏻‍♀️

Today I am extra emotional I am 13dpo

I’ve had severe cramps, bobs are throbbing on and off, nausea, headache, very sensitive to smell and yet another negative home pregnancy test.

This sucks! 😢😫


I am sorry for the broken English, it isn’t my first language.