Still feel like I did crunches for an entire day...


So Thursday I turned 36 weeks pregnant exactly. Little backstory: we have a planned repeat c section at 39 weeks because my main doctor is concerned about my c section scar tissue being so low. She said if I go naturally I could still try a vbac, but we have it planned just in case. This pregnancy has been a breeze compared to my first.

Anyways I was told that no matter what if I specifically have more than 5 contractions an hour to go... well I was just standing and wiping down my sink and mirrors, no squats or anything super physical, and started having contractions. They didnt start off slow either. They were 40 second and between 2 minutes and 2 minutes and 30 seconds apart. I still called me doctors office and they told me to head in.

My husband panicked because we dont have the baby bag and I told him he can come back and get it cause I'm not believing this is real til I'm admitted. We get there finally and get up to L and D and get out in the Triage room. Meanwhile I'm having contractions still so they decide to give me fluid and see if dehydration caused them. It didnt btw lol. I tried telling them the contractions were low and for 3 hours...3 hours they didnt listen. Frustrating but they were still very sweet about it. The contractions had started getting more painful at this point and I was actually crying a bit as they told me I wasnt having any.

I told the midwife that hell yes I am and finally they moved it lower and caught them being regular for 30 minutes. Sadly since i am just 36 weeks they stopped them, gave me medicine and sent me home. Ugh still having some here and there but they have stopped mostly. I wasnt dilated yet so it's a good thing and baby wasnt ready. I want him to stay at least another week or two anyways. Kinda sad we couldn't go but then again I'm happy he gets more time to grow and more time for us to prepare.

Thanks for listening LOL