Birth Story đź’™


I was Due January 7th, I knew I was going to have baby yesterday I started having contractions starting at 4 am here and there but not close apart, I did my regular cleaning and laundry because I know that most likely by the night I was gonna have baby, I was going into my appointment like normal at 10:30 I started bleeding at about 9:30-9:45 am I called my midwive asking if it was normal and she said not a lot was good but if it was a lot that it would be concerning, she told me to go to my appointment like normal to get checked. I went in at 10:30 am checked in, sat down, got vitals got checked in the back by her and I was already at 10 cm she told me “Daisy we have to go to the hospital NOW! The only thing that’s keeping the baby in there is your water there is now lining in there, I will follow behind you on the way and if you feel like he’s coming just pull over” we started rushing towards the hospital the nurses already knew we were going In they already had a room ready for us. We arrived at about 11 am instantly got my water broke and started pushing shortly after, my munchkin decided to make his big arrival at January 2 11:45 am Weighing 7ibs 7oz My all natural baby ♥️ the pain was so worth it