Harper Kate graduated from the NICU!!!

Brittney • 👧🏻👧🏼👧🏻👶🏻mommyof4girls

After 5 long weeks, 38 unbearable days.... my beautiful little girl came home from the nicu! She was born at 31 weeks and weighed 3lbs 6oz! We went through a roller coaster of emotions day to day. I had to help my sweet girl learn to eat without a tube, I had to pray everyday that she was still gaining weight, and fear every time her alarm went off if it wasn’t another bradycardia episode. My heart broke every single day when I had to tell her goodbye but now my sweet angel is home and doing so good! She eats like a pro. She doesn’t have Brady’s anymore and she now weighs 4lbs 11oz! For any of you moms going through a nicu stay! I’m here if you need to talk and I just want you to know that the overwhelming joy of knowing you are bringing your baby home healthy is well worth it! Thank you everyone who kept up in your thoughts and prayers! We are whole again!

This is her now!!!

This was the day she was born!!!