HELP!! Boobs leaking again whilst ttc conceive no.2

I have an 11 month old daughter whom I stopped breastfeeding at about 8 months old. I never had a problem with stopping or sore breasts or even leaking milk as she had been weaning herself off feeds since she started solid so it was gradual. We are now trying to conceive baby no.2 I had my implant out on the 18th December, not sure when or if I’ve ovulated as I was bleeding pretty much everyday on the implant and did for another 2 days once it was removed. We have since been having unprotected sex. Last night I noticed that my left breast was leaking milk and I’m so confused as to why. Is this normal? I haven’t fed my daughter for 3 month and haven’t leaked anything since our journey came to an end. Could this happen if I was pregnant again? Or is it because of the implant being removed. Has this happened to anyone else? All advice appreciated!