1/6 - CD 5


I temped the first few days of this cycle but I think I’m going to put the thermometer down for now. Maybe later in cycle I’ll see where I’m at.

My husband is traveling January 13-25 so I’m assuming I’ll ovulate during that window and we won’t have a chance this cycle.

My husbands deployment is quickly approaching. I thought he was leaving in April but now there’s a good chance it’ll be mid March. Which really, is right around the corner.

We also might be moving before he deploys. We want a little more space, closer to his work when he is here (about 30ish away now), close to the beach, and also close to a friend who also live here. We looked at a house on Friday and are going to submit the application today. If we move, it would be between February and March. We would probably have to pay for month of February at our current place since we need to give landlords 30 day notice. Extra money but then we could gradually move in the whole month of February and be out of this current place the end of February. I hate moving but at least this would be a distraction.

Hope you all are doing okay. You may not feel it, but you are all brave and strong, and I admire you all 💜