Anti vaxx husband

My husband is a firm believer that theyre trying so hard to push vaccines because they have some sort of sick motive and I believe him, he’s very well educated on that sort of thing, I just prefer not to know what they’re pumping in innocent children. So we decided not to vaccinate our kids and they’re possibly the most healthy kids I’ve ever seen, they are NEVER sick. But all these moms keep bashing me telling me how horrible I am and doctors push me to vaccinate them which I refuse. But now I’m concerned for when they start school, because they won’t let them go without being vaccinated. So they’ll have to get slammed with a shitload of vaccines and THEN my husband says I don’t mind them getting them when they’re older and their system can handle it. But I just don’t like it, why would we not for so long and then pump them up with poison? Sorry this is all over the place I was trying to make it shorter, I’m just confused and don’t know how to handle this. Any insight?