Am I a selfish possessive mom?

lexi 💋 • Muva to my angel Aiden 👼🏽🙏🏽 and my sweet babygirl A'Laya 🧸💗 A.K 🤞🏽💋

Ladies I’m having a hard time trying to make myself understand if I’m too possessive over my unborn child or if I just don’t like people... people as in my mother n law ... she does ALOT for us and I’m truly grateful for her but as being 29 weeks and 2 days into my pregnancy she’s over whelming me with her “ thoughts” on how she wants to handle my daughter and I just feel like she is trying to take the joy out of being a first time mom.... and my bf says it’s cause I don’t like her because how i just want to keep her home and I don’t know if I’m just mean or not letting her be a grandmother? But there’s a difference from being a mother and grandmother right??? And I don’t know how to lay down the line on where I feel comfortable on certain situations and where I’m not going to let that happen! There’s just so many crazy things going on in the world and I just want to keep her protected from everything I feel like can happen I don’t even want her spending the night with them until she’s like 1 lol but she’s so demanding and I wouldn’t feel like this if she just ASKS me first instead of throwing it out there as if I don’t have no say so?!? Idk I don’t know if I’m just mean or??