No babysitter for my toddler when I go into labor 😕

Alexis • 3 year old Chloe💖 11/15/15 & Jacob 💙 3-5-19

I’m 31 w 4d today with my 2nd baby. My 3 year old is from a previous relationship so around my 2nd trimester I figured I would ask her fathers mom to watch her when I went into labor because 1, besides my mom she is the only other person I know that doesn’t work and is home 98% of the time. And she lives fairly close.

Well that was destroyed when I found out they have bed bugs in December.

The only other person left is my mom, because she’s the only other person who doesn’t work. ( who I live with so how convenient) Well she is being a complete bitch saying she won’t watch my daughter when I go into labor. So I have no idea what to do. Unless I go into labor on a Friday, so my best friend can baby sit the weekend. I have no other person to watch my daughter.