Birth story!!!! Still in shock

Christine 💍 06.06.13 👰 02.01.18 👶🏼 06.01.19

I’m a ftm and my due date was the 14/01/19 on Friday I been feeling fine that evening went to the toilet and the bowl was full of blood so rushed straight to hospital as I was 38.4 weeks gone the hospital thought it might of been the placenta coming away so kept me in for monitoring the next day the bleeding had stopped and they said that night I would be going home, just before leaving a doctor came to see me and said that cause they couldn’t get down to the root of the bleeding that they wanted to induce me to be on the safe side and since I was so close to my due date they were happy to do so, so at 2pm the inserted a pessery which was ment to ripen my cervix. At about 4pm I started getting a continuous dull back pain and period cramps which only intensified they never stopped and started were just permanent, at about 9 I asked the midwife if I could have pain relief she then said that it was only a pessery and it would cause bad period cramps that I should have a bath, but to me the pain was very bad. So I went to her again about half hour later and begged her for something or to check if I was dilating she then refused and said she would check me 2pm the next day!!! She told me to lie down and breath through it and it will calm down, so that been my only option I did do so, and it worked pain stopped and maybe every ten minutes I’d get a stabbing pain and I’d breath it away, as I was falling asleep I felt this almighty pop I even heard it and it felt like a stabbing pain next minute all this water came out, and about 3-5 seconds later the most excruciating pain just hit me I couldn’t talk or move. I hit the panic bell and the midwife came in and told me to stop complaining, while she was saying this I was having a contraction and couldn’t actually answer her. She then said she would check my cervix and to get up, so now I thought f you I’m not moving I just had to push so I started pushing, she then realised I wasn’t complaining but in actual labour, she told me to breath through it and as it stopped another one kicked in, she then rang the bell and told me I was going to the labour ward and they started to push my bed down, I was pushing all the way and OMG the pain. I get into the labour ward and begged for pain relief they checked my cervix and I was 7cm dilated and said I was to far gone for it! I nearly died when I heard that I just couldn’t go through another contraction, the next contraction came and again I begged for pain relief she checked my cervix again 2 minutes later and I was at a 10!! Then I pushed and pushed and the head was crowning let me say this was unbearable pain I was in total shock! I pushed and got the head out I pushed again and then his shoulders got stuck to more pushes later and my baby boy was born weighing 7.12 pounds. And after all that I didn’t even tear 😂 start to finish I birthed him in under a hour! But I’m upset almost traumatised in the whole birth the pain is something I’ll never forget but he on the other hand he is absolutely perfect! And I’m so in love with his little face. But anyway had to share as I’ve been waiting for this day for so long just didn’t think it would go that way!!!