Heart brokenđź’”

To fill everyone in... I started talking to my neighbor, who is a guy. I was new to where we live in the country. We started talking in December 2017, we talked all day and all night for a 8 months. He’s a farmer and I’m a rodeo contestant. He came to watch me at rodeos a lot. He is to watch me at rodeos and cheer me on. June 2018, he came to the local rodeo with a bunch of his friends. His friends teased him when I walked by with a couple of my friends. Later that night he came up to me with his friends(my friends had left), his friends all said that I’m very cute and that he’s a lucky guy to have me as his best friend. After his friends left, it was just him and I. We talked for a couple minutes then it went silent between us, I looked over and he was gazing at me. When I looked at him, he got nervous and said sorry for staring at me. I told him it was fine. A couple minutes went by and he told me that he really liked me and I was the most beautiful girl he had every met. He asked me out that night, I said yes. We dated until September 2018, the day before we started school we broke up(we go to different schools). That night, his friends texted me saying that he was stupid for dumping me. His friends have always been there for me. He told his friends that he wasn’t sorry and he didn’t care about me... I was heartbroken💔. 1 months later(October 2018) he called me saying he was sorry. I was on a run when he called me, I answered and when his mother’s came on the phone I started to worry. His mom did that he wanted to meet me at the corner and talk, I said yes. I met him at the corner, him and I both were in tears. I ran over to him and hugged him. We stood there hugging each other for a good 3 minutes. The longer we hugged the more I cried. When we stopped hugging and we pulled away from each other, I saw a note in his hand. He gave me the note and I read it. The note said “I’m really sorry for dumping you and for always arguing over the phone with you. I know it makes me look like a jerk. But I still love you. I was tipsy when I dumped you. I didn’t mean what I said.” I started crying even more.

A month later, we had a huge fight over what I was going to wear to a dance. He wasn’t going to the dance. He got mad and started cussing at me. He told me I looked awful in the outfit. I told him that I was done with him for the night. He ended up blocking me. I went to the dance and had a lot of fun. He called me the next morning saying that he heard, that his best friend and I had danced with each other for almost the whole night(which we did).

His best friend and I became very close, we started to have feelings for each other. He took me to my first party and we had the time of our lives together. Emmit(ex-boyfriend/best friend) was there and he saw us laughing and joking. He got jealous and yelled at us, we ended up leaving the party.

I haven’t talked to Emmit in 2 months and I see him a lot. What do I do??