What was your biggest book disappointment?

Visceral Mercenary • May you find your worth in the waking world.

Maybe it was something you heard a lot about, but it fell flat for you. Maybe it was something new you heard about that was super hyped up, but didn't meet the hype? Or maybe it was a sucky sequel. I have a few, but I'll try to narrow it down to one.

For me, it was The Dinosaur Lords by Victor Milan. I mean... come on, man. It sounded so badass. Knights on dinosaurs? Pacifists turned into an unlikely army? George R.R. Martin calling it a cross between Jurassic Park and A Song of Ice and Fire? This beautiful, badass cover?

Yes, sign me the fuck up. I preordered it! .....and it was a total suckfest. It was so, so boring. The writing was lackluster, the characters were dull, the world building left something to be desired. I think I made it about halfway through and I very rarely put books down. No matter how bad it is, I always finish it. But this one and only book, I didn't. I'm considering going back and reading it all over, just so I can finish it. It's my white whale (speaking of, I hated Moby Dick too but I managed to make it all the way through that snoozefest.)

So what is the book YOU were most disappointed by and why?