ABO Incompatibility (WARNING for any moms who have O blood)

Faith • Mom of 9 y/o Adam & newborn Kencade 💙👦💙👶💙

I'm writing this as my son who was born 1/3/19 lies in NICU. (He's doing great so no worries) I'm just writing this as a warning to anyone who doesn't know because I didn't.

So anyone who has O type blood ban give blood to anyone but we can not receive blood from anyone but another person with O blood. Reason being is that we have antibodies that fight off A and B blood. Receiving blood from other types will make us very sick.

So here's where it applies to pregnant women: your baby can possibly get jaundice if their blood type is not O. I'm O+ and my son is B+. Here's a link to describe what I can't: https://www.exxcellence.org/pearls-of-exxcellence/list-of-pearls/management-of-pregnancy-with-abo-incompatibility/

My mom also read on another site where it can make the mom really sick during pregnancy, which I most definitely was. I was still throwing up the 24 hrs + that I spent in the hospital before giving birth. Honestly, my whole pregnancy was miserable and I didn't enjoy it like I enjoy my pregnancy with my eldest son.

As I said this is a warning. It's not guaranteed. I will be checking to see what my big boy's blood type is (I only have the 2 boys) because I didn't have any problems with that pregnancy (past basic morning sickness for the first few months) and he was absolutely fine after birth.

There is a test of some sort that can be done and preventative measures that can be taken to avoid my situation. (Mom read that too since I've been in here so I don't have a link for the site but please research) Unfortunately I was not told about any of this by my OB.

So I'll finish up with Kencade was born 1/3/19 @ 2:36 am. He was taken to NICU Sunday @ 12:00 am. He was not eating and he also wasn't urinating or having bowel movements because of that. Which was the original cause for concern. I didn't even get a full 24 hrs with him until he was gone. I was a wreck up until mid day yesterday. Which is when I found out what was wrong. Last night was the first time that I was able to hold him since before they took him. Jaundice babies have to be put under special lights (as well as eat, pee and poop often) to help get rid of it so they can't be picked up. The lights were being removed around 7-8 pm last night. They also have him on antibiotics which were started Sunday night right after they took him. He has to be on those for 48-72 hrs depending on the lab results (which we won't know about until sometime today). So best case scenario is the tests childre back fine and he can go home tomorrow. My husband and I are currently waiting to find out if they'll let us stay another day (he's doing so well and we honestly don't think that he had an infection [should've said that we hope that he doesn't]) so that we can all go home together. Because I refuse to go and stay home without him and I'm prepared to stay in NICU (not counting having to eat and shower).

Will post updates as I know them.

That's Kenny from last night. He was so alert. That's when we realized that this got can already hold his own head up. He wasn't alert at all the day before. He just slept.

Update: the midwife came in after I wrote this. We were informed that we will not be able to stay another night. I will be sending all of our stuff home so that I can stay with the baby. So I'll be taking a shower and packing up. I'm going to ask a nurse how late we can stay in the room just to make sure that when we were told 7pm that it was correct. Will update as I learn anything new.

Update 11:37 am: We have to be out of our room at 1 pm. I was officially discharged at 11 am. I went to see my son at 10. His bilirubin level (jaundice) level has gone back up so he will need to be placed under the one light lamp (he was originally under two). It'll be just the one because he is older and still doing better ( when it comes to eating and doing #s 1&2). He is getting transferred from NICU to special care which is a definite step up. They're testing the placenta to make sure that I didn't have any infection that passed from me to him (idk why though because I didn't have an infection the last time I went to the dr which was the day that I was admitted to the hospital. The only thing that I can think of is that I had a small fever for a couple of hours when I was in labor. But that left as quickly as it came. So if no infection is found in my placenta, his dr informed me that he'll be home tomorrow, Wednesday at the latest.

Update 1/11/19: After what seemed like forever, Kencade is finally home. We left the the hospital with him around 6 / 7 pm earlier tonight. This week was a struggle for all of us. My husband and I shed a lot of tears and had a few moments when we snapped on each other but we finally made it through.

Getting ready to leave the hospital ^

Finally home ^

When I finally forced myself to put him down.

Now our next step is to get him to latch 😊