Vape juice preferences

I know this isn’t a “vaping” or “smoking” group but no one ever answers in those rooms, so I decided to post it here. So I started vaping to try and quit cigarettes and to say the least its not going too well. I’ve cut down majorly but I still buy a pack when I run out in a week or two. I bought a juul (which is so horrible for you I know) and would like to quit that also, but I can’t find a good vape juice for my vape. The first juice I got was so amazing. I could vape it all day and I chose it over cigarettes with no problem, but then they changed the mixture or received a bad batch I guess and I literally can’t vape it. The juice has my town name in it so I’m not going to say it, but basically it was local to my area and you could only get it here. I never knew what it had in it but it had just enough sweet and tangy and it was so good mixed with menthol. Now it tastes too sweet and heavy and I hate juices like that. I have no idea what juice I would even like. I don’t like super fruity flavors but I also don’t like super sweet flavors. I have tried candy flavors once by air factory (the blue razz) and it was alright but not super good. I feel like I’m just so picky and I won’t be able to find another flavor to help me kick cigarettes for good.

If you have any good recommendations for me to try I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!