Tubal and pregnant?

Ok so I have filshie clips on my tubes. I had a tubal done over a year ago. I recently ended up having my gallbladder removed and on the CT scan done before surgery they were able to see both clips in place on my tubes. So as of a month and a half ago at least I know the clips haven’t like fallen off or something. My period cycle is usually between 24 and 30 days. It’s been pretty regular this past year, with the app being pretty accurate give or take a day in predicting the start of my period. Well as of today I’m over a week late. My concern is not so much about being pregnant in general. I’m a grown woman with two kids and could handle a pregnancy of it ended up happening by accident. Typically in this situation I would wait and just figure it’s late due to stress or whatever and at some point would take a pregnancy test without concern of time etc. but because I have clamps on my tubes I’m worried if I am

Pregnant then it’s an ectopic pregnancy or could be implanted in my tube which is dangerous. I don’t really have any symptoms. But at what point in grown of the fetus like how many weeks if it is in my tube would I notice symptoms like pain etc. how long should I wait to test? I’m over a week late so if I take a clear blue test that says pregnant or not pregnant how accurate would it be? I’m afraid if I take a test and it says negative I’ll believe it’s negative and ignore the late period. Because if I am pregnant it could lead to problems because of my clamps. My insurance changed recently and I had my annual appt with my OBGYN few months ago but my new insurance she doesn’t accept. I’m going to be finishing my masters this year and plan on changing jobs this year and therefore changing insurances so she told me just to stay with her and I can come back and see her when my insurance changes back. So I don’t have an OBGYN I can see. My primary can handle any minor things but I wasn’t expecting to potentially be pregnant so I can’t see my gyne. And there are only like a handful of them where I live and it’s not easy to get in to a new one. 😩